January 21, 2016


At EYEDREAM, we believe some conditions need attention right away.  We offer problem specific visit where your concern is addressed right away.

Some of these conditions include:


Red Eye

Red eye or “pink eye” can be due to bacterial infection or viral infection.  Proper treatment will lessen the effect of the infection in the eye.  Let us help before you reach for Visine in the eye.


Dry Eye

Most times dry eyes are due to inflammation in the eye.  Symptoms include sandy gritty feelings, burning, scratchy and teary eyes.  Dry eye can be treated with lubricant or prescribed medication such as Restasis.  A Punctal Plug can be inserted in the tear drainage canal for those who dislike eye drops.


Allergy Eye

Even though “itchy eye” is a common symptom, there are different types of allergic reaction in the eye that call for treatment.  It can range from a highly contagious allergic reaction to less severe seasonal allergy.  Sometimes contact lenses can cause the allergic reaction.


Eye Injuries, Pain / Foreign Bodies in the Eye

Something flew into your eye?  Feels like something is in your eye?  All of a sudden, the light is excessively bright and you can’t even open your eye?  Don’t wait!  These conditions are most likely to be treated with prescribed medication.  You will feel much better soon with proper treatment.


Seeing Flashes of Lights

Seeing lightning strikes or bright flashes of light often may indicate retinal detachment.  Retinal detachment is a serious condition that needs prompt evaluation.  If detected, retinal specialist referral or emergency visit will immediately be arranged.